Books by Julie Savarino
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Regain a sense of certainty by using this book to determine the next best steps to build your practice or firm in the wake of the pandemic. Whether you are a solo practitioner or work in a small firm, a boutique, a large law firm, consulting firm, or other type of professional services firm as a fee-earner or business professional, this book is for you, because it guides you step-by-step though what you can do to develop and grow your practice plus continue to survive and thrive after a pandemic.
The wealth of immediately usable information in this book includes:
- Specific suggestions and tips from many clients of professional services firms and from some of the world's leading experts.
- Proven and up-to-date strategies, tactics, tools, and techniques.
- Real-life success stories and examples.
- What works and what does not during a pandemic and economic crisis.
- Numerous checklists, solutions, considerations, and options.
- Key takeaways at the end of each chapter.
- Links to all sources quoted and cited, and the extensive bibliography used to research this book.
What readers say about this book:
"This is a very well-done and useful book. All lawyers and other professionals need a guidebook like this to help them navigate post-pandemic."
Gina F. Rubel, Esq., Founder & CEO, Furia Rubel Communications, Inc.
"This book is timely, comprehensive, practical, immediately actionable, and invaluable."
Ralph Baxter, Former Chairman and CEO, Orrick and Legendary Leader Inspiring Global Change in Law
"This book is the go-to, client-centric resource for all professional services providers and firms."
Cammie R. Teems, CP, Risk Manager, Bestway USA
"This is a must-read written by a master in client development and relations. Any lawyer or other professional interested in getting the best results from the time they invest in building their practice should read and use this book."
Stephen Crossman, Vice President & Head of Sales Chief Growth Officer, SurePoint Technologies
"This book contains a wealth of invaluable and pragmatic information."
Roy Sexton, Director of Marketing, Clark Hill PLC
"This book is packed with proven strategies and practical tactics that can be put to immediate use."
Liam Brown, Founder, Chairman and CEO, Elevate Services
"Any professional who wants to take their professional services practice to the next level should read this book."
Jillion Weisberg, Account Director, Kira Systems

#1 Bestseller on Amazon!
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Want to develop new business, generate new opportunities, make the most of your valuable non-billable time, get new business in the door ASAP, and/or advance your career? This book of checklists is a must-have! Lawyers, professional services providers, and in-house marketing/business development staff rave about the immediately useful, well-organized, step-by-step tips, and proven best practices contained in this book, all of which will help you get the best results from the most commonly used marketing and client development activities.
Checklists in this book include:
- Received an RFP/RFI? How to Make the Best "Go/No Go" Decision: 12 Tips to Maximize the Results From Your Time, Effort and Investment
- Have a New Business "Pitch" Meeting Coming Up? 21 Proven Tips on Ways to Win
- Meeting With a Prospective Client? 8 Tips to Maximize the Results From Any One-on-One or Small-Group Meeting
- 5 Keys to Effective Cross-Servicing/Cross-Selling
- Attending a Conference or Seminar? 12 Tips to Maximize Your Results From Attending
- Making the Best First Impression: 16 Tips for an Effective Introductory Speech (commonly known as an “Elevator Pitch")
- Speaking at a Seminar or Conference? 8 Tips to Maximize the Results From Your Speaking Engagement
- Doing a Webinar Presentation? 11 Ways to Get the Best Results From Your Time and Effort
What readers say about this book:
"This book of checklists is a must-read for any lawyer or professional interested in getting the best results from non-billable time they invest in client development, new business development and sales efforts."
AJ Moss, Member, Dickinson Wright LLP
"This book is a comprehensive yet concise, pragmatic, immediately actionable set of resources. These checklists are a must-have for the desktop or the briefcase of any attorney, business development professional, or legal marketer. Julie Savarino provides context and just the right amount of 'what's-in-it-for-me' to motivate change and growth, leveraging her wealth of experience as a legendary thought leader and coach in the legal marketing field. This book of checklists is invaluable."
Roy Sexton, Senior Marketing Manager, Clark Hill PLC
"This book is very well-done and useful. Julie Savarino is the master at helping lawyers at all levels maximize their business development potential. Do not go to your next client pitch without the checklists from this book in your back pocket."
Colin K. Kelly, Partner, Alston & Bird LLP